Family Media Migration 2019

I documented a few months ago how we’d been keeping our family photos and short videos in Apple iPhotos and then Photos for years. My issue was that when I actually went to look in the library bundle at the folder structure it was all over the place - different folder structures and naming conventions, whole libraries and their sub directories imported into a single date directory and so on. Basically it seems like they stored photos based on import to library date, rather than the date the photo was taken, and that might be fine for some, but it wasn’t really what I was looking for. There was also that phase where folders were named by event. ...


Raspberry Pi Wifi Robot Car (2016)

Off the bat, I’m not a ‘maker’ but I have an interest in that area, and have for a long time had some Raspberry Pis, an Arduino Uno board and some other random things about the place for various small home projects and general tinkering. Here then, I’m going back in time a few years to the Summer of 2016, and the Raspberry Pi wifi robot car I built. It’s not that complicated, and largely was done by following a project guide, and getting components from I had a Raspberry Pi 2 kicking around and was looking for something to do with it, and something which my kids could do some thinking around and tinkering with, without it being a simple remote control item. ...
