Brightblack has been on the Hugo static site generator for quite a while now - almost three years in fact - and I’d been thinking of putting a new coat of paint on the place for a few months, but I’d been promising myself to put any brightblack time into content and not playing with tooling.
However, an actual problem has forced me to make the change. Newer builds of Hugo had deprecated some references around Google Analytics, which was breaking my build. I tried updating the theme but to no avail, I could have hacked the theme to make it work, or rolled Hugo back and I even looked for a quick alternate theme I’d tested years ago, but to install an update I’d have needed to get into the nuts and bolts of the git index.
I decided then that this was probably a sign to make that change to a new theme.
I checked out quite a few themes, looking for nice minimal ones but also looking for a some new features such as dark mode support for example. I was very tempted to go with the xterm theme since I’m a bit of a sucker for faux command line type UIs, but eventually I went for the minimal-but-stylish (and well supported on github) PaperMod.
This is likely how you’re reading this site now. I’ve made a few changes at the same time and I imagine I’ll make some minor changes after this date too as I better understand the theme. I’ve already taken the opportunity to tidy up some my hugo.toml config file.
So there we are. Let me know if you see anything weird from this change.